Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals


The kittycairo terminal generates in-window output on terminal emulators that support the kitty graphics protocol. The actual drawing is done via cairo, a 2D graphics library, and pango, a library for text rendering. The kitty protocol is an alternative to sixel graphics, with the advantage of support for 24-bit RGB colors and slightly lower required bandwidth to transfer the image data between computer and terminal in a remote session.


        set terminal kittycairo
                     {{no}enhanced} {mono|color}
                     {font <font>} {fontscale <scale>}
                     {linewidth <lw>} {rounded|butt|square} {dashlength <dl>}
                     {transparent | background <rgbcolor>}
                     {size <XX>,<YY>} {anchor|scroll}

This terminal processes labels and other text using enhanced formatting by default. See enhanced.

The width of all lines in the plot can be modified by the factor <lw> specified in linewidth. The font size can similarly be uniformly modified the scale factor provided by fontscale. For discussion of font and text encoding options, see the pdfcairo terminal. The option rounded sets line caps and line joins to be rounded; butt is the default, producing butt caps and mitered joins.

The size of the plot is given in screen pixels. By default (anchor) each plot is drawn at the top left of the terminal window. This is useful for animation or pseudo-mousing using the keyboard (see pseudo-mousing). scroll instead starts each plot at the current cursor position so that it scrolls with the terminal text.