# set terminal svg size 600,400 dynamic enhanced fname 'arial' fsize 10 mousing name "stats_2" butt solid # set output 'stats.2.svg' set key inside left top vertical Left noreverse enhanced autotitles nobox set label 1 "min" at 2.07944, graph 0.1, 0 centre norotate back nopoint offset character 0, -1, 0 set label 2 "max" at 2.30259, graph 0.9, 0 centre norotate back nopoint offset character 0, 1, 0 set arrow 1 from 2.07944, graph 0.1, 0 to 2.07944, 2.20087, 0 head back filled linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set arrow 2 from 2.30259, graph 0.9, 0 to 2.30259, 3.13972, 0 head back filled linetype -1 linewidth 1.000 set offsets 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5 set style data lines set title "Use of stats command to find min/max/mean before plotting\nTwo data columns" f(x) = log(1+x) A_records = 20.0 A_invalid = 0.0 A_blank = 1.0 A_blocks = 1.0 A_outofrange = 0.0 A_mean = 2.54077965 A_stddev = 0.222745079388135 A_sum = 50.815593 A_sumsq = 130.103532004915 A_min = 2.20087 A_max = 3.139718 A_median = 2.4609945 A_lo_quartile = 2.3865975 A_up_quartile = 2.6562155 A_index_min = 7.0 A_index_max = 9.0 GPFUN_f = "f(x) = log(1+x)" B_records = 20.0 B_invalid = 0.0 B_blank = 1.0 B_blocks = 1.0 B_outofrange = 0.0 B_mean_x = 2.11678082303767 B_stddev_x = 0.792134394132666 B_sum_x = 42.3356164607535 B_sumsq_x = 102.16475902296 B_min_x = 0.0 B_max_x = 2.99573227355399 B_median_x = 2.35024018289621 B_lo_quartile_x = 1.70059869083108 B_up_quartile_x = 2.740319461671 B_index_min_x = 0.0 B_index_max_x = 19.0 B_mean_y = 2.54077965 B_stddev_y = 0.222745079388135 B_sum_y = 50.815593 B_sumsq_y = 130.103532004915 B_min_y = 2.20087 B_max_y = 3.139718 B_median_y = 2.4609945 B_lo_quartile_y = 2.3865975 B_up_quartile_y = 2.6562155 B_index_min_y = 7.0 B_index_max_y = 9.0 B_slope = -0.0669436711639173 B_intercept = 2.68248472934352 B_correlation = -0.23806759073696 B_sumxy = 106.725360630742 B_pos_min_y = 2.07944154167984 B_pos_max_y = 2.30258509299405 plot 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using (f($0)):2 title " Data" lw 2, B_mean_y title " Mean", B_slope * x + B_intercept title "Linear fit"