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gnuplot demo script: smooth_splines.dem

autogenerated by on Thu Nov 15 12:12:37 2018
gnuplot version gnuplot 5.2 patchlevel 5
# $Id: smooth_splines.dem,v 1.11 2016/11/05 22:07:21 sfeam Exp $
# First part of old mgr.dem
# show same data with various spline smoothing choices

print "various splines for smoothing"

set title "cubic spline fit to data (no weights)"
set samples 300
set xlabel "Time (sec)"
set ylabel "Rate"
plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb, \
               ""  smooth csplines t "cubic smooth" lw 2

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "acsplines weighted by relative error"
# error is column 3; weight larger errors less
# start with rel error = 1/($3/$2)
plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb,\
               "" u 1:2:(S*$2/$3) smooth acsplines t "acspline Y/Z" lw 2

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "acsplines with increasing weight from error estimate"
plot "silver.dat" t "rate" w errorb,\
               "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e1)) sm acs t "acspline Y/(Z*1.e1)" lw 2,\
               "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e3)) sm acs t "         Y/(Z*1.e3)" lw 2,\
               "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e5)) sm acs t "         Y/(Z*1.e5)" lw 2

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "same plot (various weighting) in log scale"
set logscale y
set grid x y mx my

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Bezier curve rather than cubic spline"
unset logscale y
plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb,\
               "" smooth sbezier t "bezier" lw 2

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Bezier curve with log scale"
set logscale y

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot